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Read about President Biden’s recent withdrawal from the 2024 presidential election and his endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee, including her stance on technology, climate change, health care, and tax policy.
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On March 18, President Biden signed an executive order (EO) that contributes to the administration’s objective to create solutions to long-lasting women’s health issues that have been historically understudied and under-evaluated.
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Read about the FTC’s March 5, 2024 workshop on private equity (PE) investments in the health care industry and a joint request for information on the effects of PE transactions in the health care industry issued by the FTC, DOJ, and HHS.
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Read about Sprint for Women’s Health, a first-of-its-kind initiative to commit $100 million for research and development in women’s health, announced by the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health.
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The next three weeks will be full of activity in Washington D.C., as the House of Representatives and Senate are working to push their legislative agendas to garner support from their constituents ahead of an August recess and before political “silly season” officially kicks in ahead of the upcoming mid-term elections in November. Here’s our latest update on what you can expect in Congress during the July work period.
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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, information has continuously evolved surrounding the virus and its effects on nearly every aspect of family and public life, particularly on families trying to balance work with remote or in-person learning for their children. In this webinar, two experts from MassGeneral Hospital for Children (MGHfC) discussed current updates surrounding the effectiveness and safety of COVID-19 vaccines for children.
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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration had a busy 2020, as detailed in earlier blog posts. This blog post explores politics and a few policy activities we’ll be keeping an eye on in 2021 and how they might impact medical product manufacturers, particularly now that we know the U.S. Senate will be controlled, like the U.S. House of Representatives and the White House, by Democrats.
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With the presidential transition underway, we now look forward to what the Biden administration will seek to accomplish, particularly in the realm of health care policy.
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Collaborative Communities

February 27, 2020|

Aaron Josephson explains why FDA is looking to Collaborative Communities to help solve challenges in 2020 and the potential benefit to companies who participate in the development of public policy.
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